Kualitas: HD
Negara: Singapore,
Rating TMDB: 0 / 10 from 0 users
Diterbitkan: 13 Oktober 2024
Penerjemah: Zahrahh87
Oleh: LK21
Sinopsis:Ibu (2024) Film ini menceritakan A woman who loses her husband in a tragic accident tries to bond with her teenaged stepdaughter to no avail. Eventually her stepdaughter’s loneliness and longing for a motherly figure attracts the attention of a deadly Pontianak, the spirit of a woman who died in childbirth. Now she must show what it takes to be a mother and protector before she loses her stepdaughter forever.
Budget: $0
Diunggah: 01 Februari 2025 09:42
Durasi: 1 jam 21 menit
Bintang Film: Alicia Amin, Mariana Yati, Nur Sabrina Nasir, zyan Mellyna,
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