Kualitas: HD
Negara: Japan,
Sutradara: 浜崎博嗣,
Genre: Sci-Fi, Animation, Action,
Rating TMDB: 6.1 / 10 from 4528 users
Diterbitkan: 24 April 2013
Oleh: LK21
Sinopsis:Iron Man: Rise of Technovore (2013) Film ini menceritakan The young and insane tech genius Ezekiel Stane has developed a new techno-organic armor that seemingly outclasses Iron Man. When Stane unleashes a terrorist attack during the launch of Tony Stark's newest satellite, Iron Man is blamed. Now he must evade S.H.I.E.L.D.'s man hunt and find a way to clear his name. ??Anonymous
Budget: $0
Diunggah: 02 Februari 2025 21:02
Durasi: 1 jam 28 menit
Bintang Film: 玄田哲章, 藤原啓治, 入野自由, 岡寛恵, 安元洋貴, 皆川純子, 沢城みゆき, 阪口周平, 加瀬康之, 桑島法子, 土師孝也, 手塚秀彰,
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